Our services

WorkSmart Employment Agency

Temporary and long-term employment

Depending on your current needs, we will select the most suitable employee for you. Whether you need short-term flexible labour or a long-term solution, we adapt to your needs for as long as necessary.

Recruitment and selection

Sometimes you want to welcome someone into your organisation right away. This could be because there is an immediate click or because your gut tells you that you want to hire this person right away. In such cases, we offer the employee in a fair and transparent manner. We do not charge an exorbitant predetermined fee for these situations. Our goal is to help you, and together we determine the fee for each placement.
WorkSmart Employment Agency

Staff planning

Thanks to our many years of experience, we have developed methods to take over your personnel planning. As a company, you can focus on your core processes and do not have to worry about things like staff planning. We can take care of your entire personnel planning. In doing so, we follow the rules of your collective labour agreement and take into account your internal regulations, if applicable.


We work closely with various partners. Over the years, we have learned that proper training is essential in a manufacturing organisation. More than 50% of employees who stop working in their first year indicate that this is because there is no clear training plan. We can help you draw up a proper training plan. In addition, we can assist you in setting up a pre- and onboarding programme.
WorkSmart Reconstructing Hiring
WorkSmart Reconstructing Hiring


Sometimes you and your employee get stuck and there seems to be no solution. To avoid unpleasant trajectories that can lead to unsatisfactory results for both your employee and yourself, we would like to support you. When employer and employee get stuck and there seems to be no way out, we want to help you. We believe in the power of the employee and are able to make the right match between employers and potential employees.